
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

embed itself into the floorboard of your deepest insecurities.
You are:

equipped through Christ with “every spiritual
blessing” (v. 3)
chosen in Him “before the foundation of the
world” (v. 4)
regarded as “holy and blameless before Him” (v.
adopted through the “kind intention of His will”
(v. 5)
redeemed and forgiven, “lavished” with grace (vv.
recipients of a glorious “inheritance” in heaven (v.
secured forever by “the Holy Spirit of promise”
(vv. 13–14)

I could go on. Like Paul does. This list is just one quick
sampling from one chapter, from one book of the Bible, from
one small corner of God’s blessing barn, poured out like a
thousand Christmas mornings—every morning—every time
you wake up to the partly cloudy forecast of a new day.

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