
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

That’s why the apostle Paul prayed so fervently that the
true identity of those first-century believers would be unveiled
in their hearts. Hear that again: He wasn’t asking God to make
sure the early believers received these things. They already
had them. He was praying they’d realize they already had

It wasn’t a shopping list; it was a packing list. They didn’t
need to buy them, didn’t need to manufacture them. They just
needed to recognize that they had access to them and could
now receive them as their own to take full advantage of them.

Because sometimes, even with a closet full of clothes, we
can look in and think there’s nothing to wear. But look again.
Through the eyes of truth. And you might finally see that not
only have you been given what you need but a whole lot more.

A whole, whole lot more.

Perhaps, again, the story of an experience between the Old
Testament prophet Elisha and one of his servants can help us
understand what we fail to see when we’re not looking at our
lives through the lens of God’s truth.

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