
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

Immediately on the heels of the floating ax head miracle in 2
Kings 6—which we talked about a few chapters ago—the Bible
tells of war breaking out between a neighboring nation (the
Arameans) and the people of Israel. While the king of Aram
was working out his attack strategy, the Lord kept tipping off
Elisha to the king’s intentions and movements. Then Elisha
would deliver these divinely accurate spy reports to the king of
Israel, who would redeploy his soldiers into perfectly placed,
perfectly timed position to defend themselves.

Drove the king of Aram crazy—crazy enough to go hunting
the mole among his ranks who was obviously working as a
double agent, feeding Aramean intel to their opponent. But his
enraged questioning eventually led him to the truth—that it
was Elisha and his bedroom talks with God that were the real
source behind these tactical leaks. And by the time the king
surrounded the city where Elisha was located, intending to take
him out by force, an even greater truth was about to be

The prophet’s attendant woke up early that morning, went
outside to stretch his legs or something, and—whoa!—the
whole place was teeming with horses and chariots and the clink
of sharpened artillery, each of them assembled for a surgical

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