
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

before the battle had even begun... before the day had even

That’s what the enemy wants. He wants you living in a
state of defeat. Your defenses down. Your resolve weak and
flimsy. Surrendering to an army of insecurities and
misdiagnosis instead of courageously thriving in the
sophisticated security of your identity in Christ.

Makes you wonder, then, why all we often tend to see when
we look at ourselves are... flaws, inadequacies, failures,
weaknesses. And sure, many of those things are really there.
Left to our own devices, we really aren’t able to take it all on,
not without help. But these difficulties and imperfections that
can discourage us so desperately—the ones the devil wants to
present as the sum total of our reality—are actually only a part
of the battlefield. And that’s the part that is primed to display
God’s glory. No matter what is against you, it is no match for
the power and authority He’s given you access to. There may
be armies standing against you, but they’re only waiting to
become an unwitting witness to the overcoming power of God
and the overriding ocean of His grace.

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