
(Fadzai MakandatgD40O) #1

Call to Prayer

I wish we were sitting together over coffee and being
uncharacteristically honest with each other. I’d share with you
about how I often struggle to lift myself out of the doldrums of
insecurity. About how strategic and consistently prayerful I’m
forced to be in reminding myself that those flaws and
weaknesses the enemy is hell-bent on accentuating are not
more important or powerful than the strengths and resources I
now have in Christ.

My struggle is the same as yours—like most every other
woman at one point or another in her life.

The enemy has been telling us for so long that we’re no
good, washed-up, underequipped, incompetent, insignificant,
unlovable, and not quite up to par. He’s been brainwashing us,
one feminine soul at a time. But now we both know the truth.
We can see clearly that he’s been lying for the purpose of
keeping us from even trying to put up a good fight against his
planned attacks. But no more. We’re on to him. And like the
family who found out that their beloved little girl was still alive
after six long days and nights of grief, we’re excited, yes, but

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