
(Darren Dugan) #1


to all



e’ve been running the Life Leap Club

  • a VIP club free to all subscribers o ering
    complimentary coaching, podcasts,
    workbooks and featuring interviews with some of the
    best self-development experts in the world – for some
    time now, and I’m privileged to be part of such a
    compassionate, encouraging and inspirational
    community. It started with 47 ambassadors – so
    a huge thank you to you all for leading from the
    front, welcoming newcomers so warmly and
    creating such a brilliant tribe. 

For our Life Leap Club, we have put
together outstanding downloadable
courses with exclusive videos and
podcasts and masterclasses on subjects
ranging from ‘The judgement detox’
to ‘The ultimate declutter’, ‘Finding
your purpose’ and ‘Stop feeling
overwhelmed now’. There are also
inspiring resources, such as monthly
a rmations and the life-coaching wheel to foster
self-awareness and balance. 
As we develop, we’re working more intensively with
our stable of Barefoot coaches (see page 56 to access
our directory of top-notch coaches), who lead intimate
self-development programmes exclusively within our
membership group and with a focused approach to the
content in our Dossier. This issue, we’re working with
our ‘coach of the month’, Sabrina Francis, who has

created the course ‘How to be the boss’. In this coaching
programme, we explore the practical details of being in
charge at work and in life, and how to fi nd a leadership
style that feels comfortable, instead of trying to ape an
antiquated authority model. This four-week course looks
at leadership, how to let go of people pleasing and create
a sense of authority in your interactions with others.
All you have to do to take this course, access our
programmes, masterclasses, broadcasts and nurturing
community is subscribe to Psychologies (see rig ht). 
Digital communities are
wonderful, but research shows that
people are happier when they are
with other people, even if you are an
introvert! With all the unrest and
division in the world, we encourage
you to create safe, respectful and
kind spaces where you can support
each other. We want to evolve our
Life Leap Club concept and we’re
asking you to start your own
face-to-face Life Leap Clubs. Our
goal is to help form a happier society
by providing a place for us to connect once a month and
talk about how we can thrive in the world – no matter
what. It’s about listening, caring and having a laugh!

How will it work? Every month, invite friends, family or
people you would like to get to know to your Life Leap
Club gathering, to discuss our Dossier topic, course of
the month and relevant coaching questions. Then,

“We explore the
nitt y-gritt y of
being in charge
at work and in
life, and how
to find your
leadership st yle”


Be the kind of

boss you admire

Join Psychologies’ supportive subscriber community, the Life Leap Club,
to access free coaching and be part of a kind and uplifting online tribe.
This month, take our life-changing course on how to step up and lead
Free download pdf