
(Darren Dugan) #1

60 %

of young adults believe
social media has made
them more concerned
about ageing. The
demographic touched by
this issue is surprisingly
young, including
teenagers; 45 per cent
of 13- to 24-year-olds
believe they’re already
showing signs of ageing*

into your
inner wisdom

real wellness





Mindful Health Club


Find a quiet five minutes
and sit down with a piece of
paper and a pen. You might want to calm
your mind of chatter fi rst with a few slow,
soothing breaths or even a short meditation.


Draw a line down the middle
of the paper and label one section
‘sustainer’ and the other ‘drainer’.


Begin to make a list of the
things in your life that sustain your
energy, health and happiness. Then, create a list
of the things that drain your energy, health and
happiness. If you like, take it a step further
and add the health and wellness practices that
sustain or drain you.


What do
you notice?
Is there anything on your
‘drainer’ list that you
don’t have to do, and
could get rid of? Or,
if it’s something you
must do, such as your
commute, can you fi nd
a creative way to move
it onto your ‘sustainer’ list?

Part of creating a bespoke wellness
plan is to understand which practices
to maintain and which to let go of;
which areas of your life sustain and
benefit you, and which drain you? The
ethos behind ‘wellfulness’ is a holistic
approach to awareness around your
health practices, considering how you
are supported, or sapped, in body, mind
and heart. Let’s start simply...

rose quartz
Using the healing
properties of rose
quartz crystal, the gua sha tool is
unique – its bumpy edge and di erent
angles give a deeper massage tailored
for each area of the face. It boosts
blood fl ow, aids lymphatic drainage
and tones the skin. Try a night-time
cleansing massage ritual with facial
oil (or natural coconut or olive oil).
Even better, add a mantra or
intention to repeat with every

●START BY increasing the
amount of water you drink daily
in case it’s dehydration that’s
causing the headache.
●MASSAGE the points where
the brows and nose meet and
use peppermint essential
oil to massage the temples.
●MAGNESIUM is known
to be extremely e‡ ective in

helping reduce headaches.
●SIP FRESH ginger tea or stir
ground ginger into hot water.
●MIX a little ground ginger with
water to form a paste, lie on
your back and rub the mix onto your
forehead and temples, then rest for
15 minutes, or as long as you can.
‘Prajna: Ayurvedic Rituals For Happiness’
by Mira Manek (Headline Home, £12.99)

I’d love to give a copy of
‘The Wellfulness Project’ to a
‘Psychologies’ reader – follow me
on Instagram @aliroff and
send me a message about your
favourite wellness practice.
I’ll post one person a signed
copy of my book and some
treats, including goodies
from Pukka

Mira Manek shares her remedies for headaches from
her book ‘Prajna: Ayurvedic Rituals For Happiness’

1 min

demographic touched by
this issue is surprisingly

oil (or natural coconut or olive oil).

‘Psychologies’ reader – follow me

send me a message about your
favourite wellness practice.
I’ll post one person a signed
Rose quartz gua sha tool,
Free download pdf