
(Darren Dugan) #1

happy gut



THE LINK BETWEEN a happy gut and a joyful
visage epitomises the phrase ‘beauty comes from
within’. Not surprisingly, the second largest
microbiome (trillions of microbes that live in and
on us) after the gut is on the skin, which goes some way to explain this
intrinsic connection. A crucial part of the relationship relies on
a harmonious gut microbiome. When dysbiosis – an imbalance
of microbes in the gut – occurs, it can create a more systemic
infl ammatory situation that, for many people, manifests in how the
skin looks and feels. Conditions such as rosacea and acne have been
linked to this. The gut is also where most of our immune system is
located and it is our microbiome that helps manage appropriate
immune responses. If we have an unhappy microbiome, it can have
an impact on how our immune system functions, which can lead to
autoimmune and atopic skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

Eat a facial
Nourishing the gut-skin connection depends on optimum absorption
of key nutrients from our food, and our microbiome plays a vital role.
Time to chew, allowing the body to enter the ‘rest and digest’ mode
will help. Be mindful of becoming too restrictive with your diet or
self-diagnosing food intolerances that may not relate to your skin but
instead mean your gut requires a bit of love and attention. In fact, it
is more helpful to think about what to add to your diet, rather than
remove. Include a variety of plant-foods such as vegetables, fruits and
wholegrains. Focus on vitamin-C rich foods such as broccoli, peppers
and berries of all kinds. Vitamin C is key in supporting our natural
production of collagen – vital for skin and gut health. A direct source
of collagen and other amino acids can be found in organic bone broth.
Use medications such as antibiotics and ibuprofen discerningly
as they can have a catastrophic impact on the microbiome and may
damage the gut barrier with a negative knock-on eŒ ect on skin. It’s
tempting to use a raft of products to right skin issues, but some have
ingredients that are not kind to the microbiome, so try to nourish
your skin at a deeper level. A happy gut equals happy skin. @evekalinik

Looks good

on you

Nutrition Editor Eve Kalinik explores the
connection between our gut and our skin
and how we can boost our natural glow by
nourishing the gut-skin relationship

Proactive beauty
Aime has created a skincare
range that includes topical
probiotics in its formulas.
This set – cleanser, serum,
cream and food supplement

  • is designed to balance your
    unique skin microbiome.

Ha to    Bty
& W ing fi n  
i nur sicar n mk-u‚.
They’r mˆt‰cl‹us Œ‹ Ž‹urcing pro’u“ts
h ar ”ur, suŽtinbl n ˆff“tiv

skincare set, £115,

Hands on
Enjoy innovative and
bespoke topical treatments
with Pfe er Sal – a brand
at the top of its game that
understands the need for a
healthy gut to achieve happy
skin. ● pfe

Free download pdf