A Linguistics Workbook, 4th Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


A. Provide the Japanese equivalents for the English words and phrases below.

Japanese form English gloss

  1. "hit"

  2. "I"

  3. "is interesting"

  4. "came"

  5. "book"

  6. "very"

  7. "to"

  8. "saw"

  9. "party"'

  10. "yesterday"

  11. "borrowed"

  12. "(my) brother"

  13. "from"

B. In English a relative clause may be introduced by a relative pronoun such as
who or which (the book which you borrowed). Does Japanese have such a word
that indicates the presence of a relative clause?

C. In the noun phrase the child who cried a lot, the child is called the "head" of
the relative clause. In English the "head" occurs to the left of the relative
clause. Where does the "head" of the relative clause occur in a Japanese noun
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