A Linguistics Workbook, 4th Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

B. Sentences la, 2a, and 3a all have two interpretations with respect to zibun.
What is the difFerence between these two interpretations? Pay close attention to
the English translations that have been provided.

C. None of the b-sentences are ambiguous in the way the a-sentences are. What is
the syntactic difference between the two sets of sentences that accounts for the
fact that the b-sentences have only one interpretation, whereas the a-sentences
have two?

D. Review exercise 4.22 on the English reflexive, especially question B. Compare
and contrast Japanese zibun with English himselflherself: Consider the
restrictions on the relative positions of the "antecedent"(Taroo in example 6 of
exercise 4.24) and the "anaphor" (zibun and himselflherself) as well as any
special restrictions one language might have on the "antecedent" with regard to
grammatical relations.
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