A Linguistics Workbook, 4th Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


6.1 Pronouns: English


Answer the questions associated with each of the sentences below.

A. 1. Circle the pronoun you would prefer to use in each of the following
a. Each senior believes that they themselves/he himselflshe herself will
b. One of the students will surely be on time, won't theylshelhe?
c. Each professor prepares their ownlhis ownlher own syllabus.

  1. Consider sentences a-c again. Can you imagine situations where using the
    other pronoun(s) would be more appropriate? Describe them.

B. 1. Complete the sentences below by providing an appropriate tag.

a. Everyone likes me,?

b. Either John or Jane will go,?

c. A pair of shoes is sitting there,?

d. Everyone likes herself,?
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