A Linguistics Workbook, 4th Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

  1. Describe any differences you notice between examples 5a and 6a.

D. Now consider examples 7-9 and answer the questions that follow.

  1. They entered the beauty salon and had their hair done.

  2. They're flying south for the winter early this year.

  3. They won't graduate in four years if they keep up like that.

    1. None of the examples in 7-9 provides a noun phrase "antecedent" for the
      pronoun they. Can you guess what the reference of they might be in each

  4. What kind of information did you rely on to make your guesses in question
    D- l?

  5. Does the kind of information you used in question D-2 play a role in
    helping to identify the reference of the pronoun they in example l? Discuss.

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