A Linguistics Workbook, 4th Edition

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
5a. Hastiin asdzini yiyiilts'g.
man woman saw
b. Asdzani hastiin biilts'g.

"The man saw the woman."

"The woman was seen by the man."
6a. Hastiin ashkii yizloh. "The man roped the boy."
man boy roped
b. Ashkii hastiin bizloh. "The boy was roped by the man."
7a. Ma'ii dibC yiyiisxi. "The coyote killed the sheep."
coyote sheep killed
b. Dibe ma7ii biisxi. "The sheep was killed by the coyote."
8a. Masi Eechgg'i yizghas. "The cat scratched the dog."
cat dog scratched
b. ECCchgg'i masi bizghas. "The dog was scratched by the cat."

List I1
"The horse kicked the rock."
"The rock was kicked by the horse."

9a. E$ tse yiztal.
b. #Tse l& biztal.

10a. Masi abe' yilch'al.
b. #Abe' masi bilch'al.

"The cat is lapping the milk."
"The milk is being lapped by the cat."

l l a. ECCchgg'i leets'aa' yilnaad.
b. # Eeets'aa' lkkchgg'i bilnaad.

"The dog licks the dish."
"The dish is licked by the dog."

12a. Masi naaltsoos yizghas.
b. # Naaltsoos masi bizghas.

"The cat scratches the paper."
"The paper is scratched by the cat."

13a. DibC tl'oh yilchozh.
b. # Tl'oh dibC bikhozh.

"The sheep eats the grass."
"The grass is eaten by the sheep."

14a. Ashkii naaltsoos yizhjih.
b. # Naaltsoos ashkii bizhjih.

"The boy grabbed the book."
"The book was grabbed by the boy."

15a. Ashkii tsC'Cd6'ii yik'idiiltaal.
b. # Tse'Cdo'ii ashkii bik'idiiltial.

"The boy stepped on the fly."
"The fly was stepped on by the boy."

16a. Ashkii b€ih yiskah.
b. #Biih ashkii biskah.

"The boy shot the deer."
"The deer was shot by the boy."
17a. At'CCd dibC yizloh.
b. # DibC at'ekd bizloh.

"The girl roped the sheep."
"The sheep was roped by the girl."
"The boy caught the rabbit."
"The rabbit was caught by the boy."

18a. Ashkii gah yisil.
b. #Gah ashkii bisil.

List I11
"The needle stuck the woman."
"The woman was stuck by the needle."

19a. #Tsah asdzani yaa'iijil.
b. Asdzani tsah baa'iijil.

20a. # BCCsh ashkii yizhgish.
b. Ashkii bCCsh bizhgish.

"The knife cut the boy."
"The boy was cut by the knife."

2 1 a. # Wolachii' hastiin yishish.
b. Hastiin wolachii7 bishish.

"The red ant stung the man."
"The man was stung by the red ant."
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