A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Closed class categories 87

In (81a), tello' ‘three’ quantifies and implicit argument given in the context. In
(81b), tello ́ acts as the predicate of a relative clause, se tello' ‘the three’ (literal-
ly ‘those that are 3’). In (81c,d), the numbers follow the quantified expression
and occur in the full form, lema' ‘five’ and petto' ‘seven’, respectively. See
Chapter 7 section 7 for further discussion and illustration.
The clitic forms are generally, but again not obligatorily, used in numbers
above nine. For example, with polo ‘ten(s)’ standard is sapolo ‘ten’, dhu polo
‘twenty’, sangang polo ‘ninety’, and so on. Some of the higher numbers are
exemplified in (82).

(82) 10 sapolo 30 tello polo
11 sabellas 31 tello polo settong
12 dhubellas 40 pa' polo
13 tello bellas 50 sa'iket
14 pa' bellas 60 sabidak
15 lema bellas 70 pettong polo
16 nem bellas 80 ballung polo
17 pettong bellas 90 sangang polo
18 ballung bellas 100 sa'atos
19 sangang bellas 200 dhu atus
20 dhupolo 500 lema ratos
21 salekor 700 pettong atos
22 dhulekor 1,000 sa'ebu
23 tello lekor 4,000 pa'ebu
24 pa'lekor 100,000 saratos ebu, saketthe
25 sagame' 1,000,000 sajuta

As is true of other languages in the area, Madurese has dedicated numbers for
25, 50, and 60. In addition, while 20 takes a predictable form dhupolo (literally
two tens), the numbers 21-24 and 26-29 take the ending lekor (20s). Thereafter
the general case is to use the citation form following the 10s designation, e.g.
tello polo ennem ‘36’.
To form ordinal numbers, the morpheme kapeng or its abbreviated form
ka, occurs before the numeral as in Cakraningrat kapeng dhuwa' or Cakranin-
grat ka dhuwa' ‘Cakraningrat the second’. Ordinals can also be formed in a
relative clause construction with the number as predicate occurring with the
prefix kapeng or ka (usually treated as a clitic), as in se kadhuwa' ‘the second’.
These forms are discussed in Chapter 7 section 7.
The basic Madurese quantifiers are:

(83) banne ‘no’
bannya' ‘many’
dhiddhi' ‘a few/a little/some’

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