88 Chapter 3 Lexical categories
kabbi ‘all’
para ‘all’
sabban ‘each/every’
sakone' ‘a few/a little/some’
Quantifiers can be used to specify nouns, as in (84-85).
(84) Bannya' mored lulus ujiyan.
many student pass exam
‘Many students passed the exam.’
(85) Kabbi na'-kana' a-berka' ka sakola'an.
all RED-child AV-run to school
‘All the children ran to school.’
In addition to being nominal specifiers, numerals and some quantifiers
can function as predicates.
(86) Ana'-eng Sri empa'.
child-DEF Sri four
‘Sri has four children.’
(87) Mored se lulus ujiyan bannya'.
student REL pass exam many
‘There are many students who passed the exam.’
Chapter 7 provides additional details about the distribution combining possibili-
ties of numerals and quantifiers.
2.7 Interrogatives
Madurese contains a fairly typical set of interrogative expressions. Although
each one more properly belongs in one of the lexical classes, they are presented
as a group here as they are primary used as interrogatives.
(88) apa ‘what’
sapa ‘who’
kamma ‘which/where’
kemma ‘where’
dhimma ‘where’
arapa ‘why’
bila ‘when’