A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Closed class categories 89

dha'ramma ‘how’
baramma ‘how’
barampa ‘how much/many’

When reduplicated, most interrogatives are interpreted as indefinite pronouns
rather than interrogatives, e.g. pa-sapa ‘someone’, pa-apa ‘something’. Inter-
rogatives are treated fully in Chapter 14.

2.8 Conjunctions

The set of coordinating conjunctions includes:

(89) ban ‘and’ pas ‘and then’
tape ‘but’ mangka ‘therefore’
otaba ‘or’

The conjunctions ban ‘and’ and otaba ‘or’ can be used to conjoin clauses or
NPs, as in (90).

(90) a. Hasan entar dha' Jakarta ban Ali entar dha' Bali.
Hasan go to Jakarta and Ali go to Bali
‘Hasan went to Jakarta and Ali went to Bali.’

b. Bambang ban Ita melle buku.
Bambang and Ita AV.buy book
‘Bambang and Ita bought books.’

The prepositions bi' ‘with/by’ and moso ‘with/by’ (and its short form so) are
also used to coordinate NPs and could replace ban in (90b). All of the conjunc-
tions can be used to conjoin phrasal as well as clausal units, while bi' and moso
can only be used to coordinate subclausal constituents, as discussed in Chapter
11 section 1.1. Subordinating conjunctions include:

(91) dumen ‘after’
ja' ‘that’
kalamon/mon ‘if’
ma' ‘so that’
make ‘if/when’
sambi' ‘while’ (also ‘in addition’ and ‘moreover’)
seddheng ‘while’
sopaja ‘so that’

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