A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

124 Chapter 4 Morphology

(99) Bambang a-massa'-an-a.
Bambang AV-cook-IT-IRR
‘Bambang will like to cook.’

Other combinations are not licit. For example, the benefactive form of the verb
belli ‘buy’ is incompatible with the iterative morpheme (100a). This notion
must be expressed with the prepositional morpheme of the beneficiary kaang-
guy na'-kana' ‘for the kids’, as in (100b). The benefactive and durative are also
restricted from cooccurring, thus the unacceptability of (101c) and (101d).

(100) a.*Hasan melle-yagi-yan na'-kana' permen.
Hasan AV.buy-BEN-IT RED-child candy
(Hasan frequently buys candy for the kids.)

b. Hasan melleyan permen kaangguy na'-kana'.
Hasan AV.buy-IT candy for RED-child
‘Hasan frequently buys candy for the kids.’

(101) a. Kaka' moger-ri ka'-bungka'an.
eld.brother AV.chop-DUR RED-tree
‘Big Brother chopped trees for a while.’

b. Kaka' moger-ragi Bapa' ka'-bungka'an.
eld.brother AV.chop-AGI father RED-tree
‘Big Brother chopped trees for Father.’

c.*Kaka' moger-ragi'i Bapa' ka'-bungka'an.
eld.brother AV.chop-AGI-DUR father RED-tree
(Big Brother chopped trees for Father for a while.)

d.*Kaka' moger-ragi'i ka'-bungka'an kaangguy Bapa'.
eld.brother AV.chop-AGI-DUR RED-tree for father
(Big Brother chopped trees for Father for a while.)

In addition, -agi and locative -e cannot co-occur. In environments where it is
predicted that they might co-occur, only one occurs and the other is suppressed.
This is illustrated by the sentences in (102).

(102) a. Ali notob-bagi koran dha' jendela.
Ali AV.close-AGI newspaper to window
‘Ali covered the window with newspaper.’

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