A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Reduplication with other affixes 133

ka- follows naturally if reduplication of the root is subsequent to affixation of
the circumfix. If reduplication preceded affixation, *kaja-raja'an would be ex-
pected. Again, the glottal stop in the final position of both the root and redupli-
cant is introduced by -epenthesis, the environment for which is created by the

affixation of ka-...-an. If reduplication preceded the affixation of the circumfix,
the appearance of the glottal stop would again be mysterious. That ja'-karaja'an
is a plural for ‘kingdom’ and not ‘king’ adds additional, semantic evidence. The
order reduplication before affixation would predict that compositionally the
result would mean ‘a place to find kings’ rather than ‘places to find a king’.
Additional instances of reduplication combining with circumfixes are given in

(6) root derived form reduplicated form
toron katoronan ron-katoronan
‘descend’ ‘descendent’ ‘descendants’
camat kacamadan mat-kacamadan^2
‘district head’ ‘district’ ‘districts’
jalan pajalanan lan-pajalanan
‘road/walk’ ‘pedestrian’ ‘pedestrians’
makam pamakaman kam-pamakaman
‘grave’ ‘cemetery’ ‘cemeteries’
parenta pamarenta'an ta'-pamarenta'an
‘command’ ‘government’ ‘governments’

Final-syllable reduplication combines with prefixes in different ways,
depending on the prefix. For example, the reduplicated syllable precedes the
actor voice morpheme ng- but follows the actor voice morpheme a-, as illu-
strated in (7) and (8), respectively.

(7) nobi' ‘pinch’ bi'-nobi' ‘pinch (PL)’^
ngenom ‘drink’ nom-ngenom ‘drink (PL)’
moger ‘chop’ ger-moger ‘chop (PL)’
noles ‘write’ les-noles ‘write (PL)’

(8) akalenjar ‘travel’ ajar-kalenjar
acaca ‘say’ aca-caca

(^2) In the form mat-kacamadan [mat-kacmatn], the reduplicated syllable does not reflect
the aspiration of the root-final [t] as predicted by the current analysis. However, recall
that only voiceless unaspirated stops may occur in syllable-final position. This phono-
tactic constraint accounts for this apparent anomaly. See Stevens 1985 for further dis-

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