134 Chapter 5 Reduplication
alako ‘work’ ako-lako
abundu' ‘wrap’ adu'-bundu'
For verb roots that can occur with either ng- or a-, the position of the prefix is
consistent with the forms above.
(9) kerem ‘send’ rem-ngerem arem-kerem ‘send (PL)’
berri' ‘give’ ri'-merri' ari'-berri' ‘give (PL)’
sapo ‘sweep’ po-nyapo apo-sapo ‘sweep (PL)’
bukka' ‘open’ ka'-mokka' aka'-bukka' ‘open (PL)’
toles ‘write’ les-noles ales-toles ‘write (PL)’
Not all forms in (9) are accepted by all speakers, and some forms are preferred
by most speakers. The preferred forms coincide with the actor voice morpheme
typically selected for individual predicates and are indicated by underscoring.
The object voice prefix e- also precedes the reduplicant.
(10) ekoco ‘be teased’ eco-koco ‘be teased (PL)’
etarek ‘be pulled’ erek-tarek ‘be pulled (PL)’
esolor ‘be passed on’ elor-solor ‘be passed on (PL)’
ebaca ‘be read’ eca-baca ‘be read (PL)’
On the other hand, the involitive ta- and the result/abilitive morpeme ka-
follow the reduplicant.^3
(11) tapokol ‘be hit accidentally’ kol-tapokol ‘be hit accidentally (PL)’
tatobi' ‘be pinched accidentally’ bi'-tatobi' ‘be pinched accidentally (PL)’
takerem ‘be sent accidentally’ rem-takerem ‘be sent accidentally (PL)’
tantor ‘collide’ tor-tantor ‘collide (PL)’
(12) kapeggel ‘become angry’ gel-kapeggel ‘become angry (PL)’
katako' ‘become afraid’ ko'-katako' ‘become afraid (PL)’
kabaca ‘can be read’ ca-kabaca ‘can be read (PL)’
kasabbu ‘get used as a belt’ bu-kasabbu ‘get used as a belt (PL)’
As shown above, the initial syllable that is part of the circumfix ka-...-an fol-
lows the reduplicated syllable (6), as does the nominal prefix pa-.
(13) patane ‘farmer’ ne-patane ‘farmers’
pasoro ‘messenger/missionary’ ro-pasoro ‘messengers/missionaries’
(^3) The base form of tantor ‘collide’ is ta-antor. The root initial [a] deletes under the in-
fluence of the prefix [ta].