A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

136 Chapter 5 Reduplication

tane ‘farm’ patane ‘farmer’ patane-patane ‘farmers’
toddu' ‘point’ panoddu' ‘pointer’ panoddu'-panoddu' ‘pointers’
jaga ‘guard’ panjaga ‘guard’ panjaga-panjaga ‘guards’

When used with verbs that must be marked for voice, the voice mor-
pheme generally precedes the reduplicant, and only the root is reduplicated. The
lone exception to this is the nasal actor voice morpheme. In this case both the
base and the reduplicant are inflected for actor voice.

(19) toles ‘write’ noles-noles ‘write (PL)’
pokol ‘hit’ mokol-mokol ‘hit (PL)’
baca ‘read’ maca-maca ‘read (PL)’
kerem ‘send’ ngerem-ngerem ‘send (PL)’

When the a- form is used, the base is reduplicated and the actor voice mor-
pheme occurs in word-initial position.

(20) berri' ‘give’ aberri'-berri' ‘give (PL)’^
lonca’ ‘jump’ alonca'-lonca' ‘jump (PL)’
berka' ‘run’ aberka'-berka' ‘run (PL)’
jelling ‘watch’ ajelling-jelling ‘watch (PL)’

Likewise, in object voice, the base is reduplicated and the actor voice
morpheme occurs in word-initial position.

(21) epokol-pokol ‘be hit (PL)’
ekerem-kerem ‘be sent (PL)’
eberri'-berri' ‘be given (PL)’
ejelling-jelling ‘be watched (PL)’

The same is true of all the verbal prefixes, including the causative prefix pa-,
which showed flexibility of position in cases of final-syllable reduplication.

(22) a. ta-
tapokol-pokol ‘get hit accidentally (PL)’
takerem-kerem ‘get sent accidentally (PL)’
tamole-mole ‘return home accidentally (PL)

b. ka-
kasenneng-senneng ‘become happy (PL)’
karaja-raja ‘become large (PL)’
kasake'-sake' ‘become ill (PL)’

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