- Chapter 1 Introduction Abbreviations xvi
- Madura and its people
- The language
- Previous studies
- Methdology and framework
- 4.1 Framework
- Chapter 2 Phonology
- Basic inventory and description of sounds
- 1.1 Consonants
- 1.2 Vowels
- (and Javanese) 2. Sound correspondences between Madurese and Indonesian
- 2.1 Consonants
- 2.2 Vowels
- Syllable structure and phonotactic constraints
- Vowel inventory and distribution
- 4.1 Vowel harmony
- 4.2 Other vowel processes
- Phonological processes
- 5.1 Epenthesis
- 5.2 Gemination
- 5.3 Deletion
- Morphophonemic processes
- Stress
- Orthography
- Chapter 3 Lexical categories
- Open classs categories
- 1.1 The category noun
- 1.2 The category verb
- 1.3 The (sub)category adjective
- 1.3.1 Adjective-verb similarities
- 1.3.2 Potential adjective-verb differences x Contents
- 1.3.3 A subcategory adjective
- 1.4 Precategorial roots
- Closed classs categories
- 2.1 Adverbs: straddling the open/closed dichotomy
- 2.2 Auxiliaries
- 2.3 Prepositions
- 2.4 Pronouns
- 2.5 Demonstratives
- 2.6 Numerals and quantifiers
- 2.7 Interrogatives
- 2.8 Conjunctions
- 2.9 Particles and interjections
- 2.10 Clitics
- Chapter 4 Morphology
- Affixation
- 1.1 Verbal morphology
- 1.1.1 Actor voice ng-, //
- 1.1.2 Actor voice a-, /a/
- 1.1.3 Object voice e-, /ɛ/
- 1.1.4 Involitive ta-, /ta/
- 1.1.5 Verbal ka-, /ka/
- 1.1.6 Adversative ka-...-an, /ka...an/
- 1.1.7 Causative pa-, /pa/
- 1.1.8 Irrealis -a, /a/
- 1.1.9 Iterative -an, /an/
- 1.1.10 Durative -e, /ɛ/
- 1.1.11 ‘Locative’ -e, /ɛ/
- 1.1.12 ‘Benefactive’ agi- /akʰɛ/
- 1.2 Nominal morphology
- 1.2.1 Definite -na, /na/
- 1.2.2 Result nominals with -an, /an/
- 1.2.3 Nominal ka-...-an, /ka...an/
- 1.2.4 Agentive and instrumental pa- /pa/ and pang- /pa/
- 1.2.5 Locative/agentive pa-...-an, /pa...an/
- 1.2.6 pang-...-an, /pa...an/
- 1.2.7 pa- with process nominals
- 1.2.8 sa-, /a/
- 1.2.9 sa- in nominalizations
- 1.3 Derived adjectives
- 1.4 Derived adverbs
- 1.5 Infixes Contents xi
- Co-occurrence of affixes
- Extensions
- Compounds
- Chapter 5 Reduplication
- Reduplication types
- Reduplication with other affixes
- Functions of reduplication
- 3.1 Reduplication of verbs
- 3.1.1 Multiple actions
- 3.1.2 Imperfect aspect
- 3.1.3 Emphasis
- 3.1.4 Reduplication of adjectives
- 3.2 Reduplication of nouns
- 3.2.1 Temporal expressions
- 3.2.2 Additional functions
- 3.3 Indefinite expressions
- 3.4 Adverbs
- 3.5 Numbers
- 3.6 Compounds
- Chapter 6 Clause types
- Basic word order
- Non-verbal clauses
- Existential clauses
- Verbal clauses
- 4.1 Intransitive clauses
- 4.2 Semantically-transitive statives
- 4.3 Transitive clauses
- 4.4 Ditransitive clauses
- Exclamatory clauses
- Hortative clauses
- Imperative clauses
- Comparative and superlative clauses
- Topic-comment structure
- Subjects, definiteness and specificity
- Chapter 7 Nominals and noun phrases
- Nominal types
- Nominal morphology
- 2.1 Nominal inflection
- 2.2 Nominal derivation xii Contents
- Pronouns
- 3.1 Distribution of pronouns
- Demonstratives
- Possession
- Quantifiers
- Numbers
- Measure phrases
- Adjectival modification
- Prepositional phrase modifiers
- Nominalizations and clausal NPs
- Constituent order in NPs
- Chapter 8 Prepositions and prepositional phrases
- Basic prepositions
- 1.1 e and neng ‘at’
- 1.2 dha' and ka ‘to’
- 1.3 dhari ‘from’
- 1.4 bi' and moso ‘with’
- 1.5 sampe' and gan ‘until’
- 1.6 akantha ‘like’
- Derived prepositions
- 2.1 kaangguy 'for’
- 2.2 nganggu instrumental ‘with’
- 2.3 kalaban and banding ‘than’
- 2.4 katembangand moso ‘with’
- 2.5 lebat ‘through’
- 2.6 parkara and hal ‘concerning’, ‘in regard to’
- 2.7 sabab/bab ‘about’
- 2.8 sabellunna ‘before’, sa'ellana ‘after’, samarena ‘after’
- Complex locative expressions
- Nominal morphology
- 4.1 Verb-preposition combinations
- 4.2 Prepositional marking of direct objects
- Nominal morphology
- Chapter 9 Verb phrases and verbal marking
- Voice
- 1.1 Actor voice
- 1.1.1 Actor voice with intransitive roots
- 1.1.2 The unaccusative/unergative split
- 1.2 Object voice
- 1.3 Further manifestations of voice
- Irrealis mood Contents xiii
- Aspectual -an, -e, reduplication
- Auxiliaries and adverbial tense, mood and aspect marking
- Negation
- Additional voice constructions
- 6.1 Resultative/abilitive ka-
- 6.2 Involitive
- 6.3 Adversative
- Chapter 10 Modifications to clause structure
- ‘Locative’ -e
- 1.1 Ditransitives
- 1.2 ‘Give’
- 1.3 Verbs of communication
- 1.4 Verbs of cognitive state
- 1.5 Dynamic intransitive verbs
- 1.6 Stative intransitive verbs
- The suffix -agi
- 2.1 Benefactives
- 2.2 Verbs of communication
- 2.3 -agi specifying an endpoint
- 2.4 -agi with instruments
- 2.5 Intransitive predicates and causativization
- 2.6 Polite imperatives
- 2.7 Miscellaneous instances
- 2.8 The meaning/function of -agi and Indonesian -kan
- Causatives
- 3.1 Causatives of stative intransitive verbs
- 3.2 Causatives of dynamic intransitive verbs
- 3.3 Causatives of syntactically transitive verbs
- 3.4 Patterns of acceptability
- 3.5 Structural variations
- The role of -e and -agi
- Chapter 11 Complex sentences
- Coordination
- 1.1 Subclausal coordination
- Complementation
- Sentential subjects
- Control
- Aspectual predicates
- Prolepsis
- Relative clauses xiv Contents
- Complements of nominals
- Clefts
- 9.1 The presuppositional clause
- 9.2 Predicative nature of the clefted element
- 9.3 Clefting adjuncts
- Direct speech
- Chapter 12 Adverbs and adverbial clauses
- Types of adverbial expressions
- 1.1 Temporal expressions
- 1.2 Frequency adverbs
- 1.3 Epistemic adverbials
- 1.4 Manner adverbials
- 1.5 Degree modifiers
- Derivation of adverbs
- Adverbial clauses
- 3.1 Purpose clauses
- 3.2 Reason clauses
- 3.3 Conditional clauses
- 3.4 Concessive clauses
- 3.5 Temporal clauses
- 3.5.1 sa- adverbials
- 3.6 Parataxis
- 3.7 Correlative structures
- Adjuncts in complement clauses
- Chapter 13 Anaphora
- Reflexives
- 1.1 The uses of dibi'
- 1.2 The distribution of aba'na dibi'
- 1.3 Reflexive interpretation without dibi'
- 1.4 NP + dibi' reflexives
- Reciprocals
- 2.1 The components of reciprocals
- 2.2 A special property of saleng, patang and gante
- 2.3 Stative predicates
- Null pronouns
- Cross-clausal null anaphora
- Ellipsis and gapping
- Chapter 14 Questions Contents xv
- Yes/no questions
- Alternative questions
- Tag questions
- Constituent questions
- 4.1 In situ questions
- 4.2 Clefted questions
- 4.3 Fronted questions
- 4.3.1 Adverbial questions
- 4.3.2 Prepositional questions
- 4.3.3 barampa ‘how much/how many’
- Long-distance questions
- 5.1 Long-distance in situ questions
- 5.2 ‘Partial’ movement questions
- 5.3 Long-distance ‘movement’
- 5.4 Evidence against long-distance movement
- 5.5 Embedded wh-adjuncts and movement
- 5.6 Long-distance questions and island effects
- Embedded questions
- The question particle ba'
- Chapter 15 Speech levels
- The vocabularies
- Use of the vocabularies
- 2.1 Kasar, tengnga'an and alos
- 2.2 Alos tenggi and alos mandhap
- 2.3 Identifying distinct speech levels
- Textual examples
- Implementation of the speech levels
- Chapter 16 Texts
- Parembi'na Joko Tole
- Radin Sagara
- Siti Lalumba
- Kerrapan Sape
- References
- Index