166 Chapter 6 Clause types
(95) Mara tempak bal-la!
HORT kick ball-DEF
‘Let’s kick the ball!’
There is some variability with respect to the use of the actor voice morphology,
however. So, in (96) the actor voice form of gabay ‘make’ occurs with a defi-
nite object, here a null pronominal that refers to the are' or sickle shaped knife
being discussed. In (97), the location to be returned to is the definite name
(96) Dha'ramma ayu' mon a-gabay, kana'?
how HORT if AV-make child
‘Come on, how about we copy it, guys?’
(97) Ayu' a-bali pole ka Bangkalan ya!
HORT AV-return again to Bangkalan yes
‘Come on, let’s go back to Bangkalan!’
Some speakers allow variability in word order as well. In (98), a variant
of (92), the verb and its complement precede ayu', and in (99), a variant of (94),
the definite object precedes the verb which precedes mara.
(98) %Maca buku ayu'!
AV.read book HORT
‘Let’s read a book!’
(99) %Buku reya, baca, mara!
book this read HORT
‘Let’s read this book!’
This inversion of word order is also found in the textual example in (100).
(100) Jajal ayu', kana', semma'-e!
try HORT child close-DUR
‘Let’s try to get closer, guys!’
In (100) the main verb jajal ‘try’ precedes ayu'.
Unlike the closely related imperatives (discussed in the following sec-
tion), verbs in hortative clauses can occur in object voice.
(101) Mara e-edhing-agi!
‘Come on, let’s listen to it!’