A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

168 Chapter 6 Clause types

(107) Kerem sorat dha' Nabun!
send letter to Nabun
‘Send a/the letter to Nabun!’

(108) Bagi buku reya dha' Hasan!
give book this to Hasan
‘Give this book to Hasan!’

As is the case with most clauses, the object may occur in initial position, but
only when it is definite. There is usually a rising intonation on the object fol-
lowed by a brief pause. This order is illustrated in (109-111).

(109) Buku-na ba'eng, baca!
book-DEF you read
‘Read your book!’

(110) Labang rowa, totop!
door that close
‘Close that door!’

(111) Sorat, kerem dha' Nabun!
letter send to Nabun
‘Send the letter to Nabun!’

The sentences in (109-111) correspond to the sentences in (105-107), respec-
tively, with the object front. However, while the unmarked object in sorat ‘let-
ter’ in (107) can be interpreted either as indefinite or definite, when it is fronted,
only a definite interpretation is possible, (111).
It is not possible to use the object voice with imperatives. Doing so results
in an ungrammatical sentence, (112) and (113), regardless of whether the base
object is clause initial (a) or clause final (b).

(112) a. *Buku-na ba'eng e-baca!
book-DEF you OV-read
(Read your book!)

b. *E-baca buku-na ba'eng!
OV-read book-DEF you
(Read your book!)

(113) a. *Buku reya e-bagi dha' Hasan!
book this OV-give to Hasan
(Give this book to Hasan!)

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