Nominalizations and clausal NPs 211
(138) Bambang maca buku se e meja.
Bambang book REL at table
‘Bambang read the book that was on the table.’
PPs are examined in more detail in Chapter 8.
11. Nominalizations and clausal NPs
There are three types of nominalizations which act as heads of NPs in Madu-
rese: result nominals, process nominals, and bare nominals. Result nominals are
formed by suffixing -an to the stem form of a verb (see Chapter 4 section 1.2.2).
(139) Siti ngoto'-agi jawab-an dha' Ita.
Siti AV.whisper-AGI answer-NOM to Ita
‘Siti whispered the answer to Ita.’
(140) Aba'na a-bungkos sassa'-an kalaban koran.
he/she AV-wrap wash-NOM with newspaper
‘He/she wrapped the laundry in newspaper.’
The agent or actor of the action described by the result nominal occurs as the
possessor of the NP headed by the result nominal, as in (141) and (142).
(141) Toles-an-na Kaka' ce’ bagus-sa.
write-NOM-DEF very good-DEF
‘Big Brother’s handwriting is very good.’
(142) Pate-na maleng rowa ma-ngennes ate.
die-DEF thief that AV.CS-disturb heart
‘The death of that thief touched one’s heart.’
Process nominals, those which describe the action of the verb stem, have the
active form of the verb (including actor voice morphology where appropriate)
as base. As shown in Chapter 4 section 1.2.7, process nominals occur with the
definite suffix and the prefix pa-, as in (143) and (144).
(143) Pa-berka'-na Bapa' e-capok bi' Ale'.
NOM-run-DEF father OV-equal by yngr.sibling
‘Little Brother caught up with Father.’
lit. ‘Father’s running was equalled by Little Brother.’