A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Constituent order in NPs 217

Most speakers prefer the variants with the relative clause.
When an adjective cooccurs with a demonstrative, the adjective can either
precede or follow the demonstrative. When preceding the demonstrative, it can
occur as a bare attributive or in a relative clause (168a) and (169a), indicated by
the optionality of se. When following the demonstrative, the relative clause
structure is obligatory (168b) and (169b).

(168) a. Mored (se) penter rowa nerrossagi dha' sakola'-an se
student REL smart that AV.continue-AGI to school-NOM REL
lebbi tenggi.
more high
‘That smart student is going to university.’

b. Mored rowa se penter nerrossagi dha' sakola'an se
student that REL smart AV.continue-AGI to school-NOM REL
lebbi tenggi.
more high
‘That smart student is going to university.’

(169) a. Sengko' coma nyango gagaman (se) clannok reya.
I only AV.bring weapon REL curved this
‘I only brought this curved weapon.’ (an are', a scythe)

b. Sengko' coma nyango gagaman reya se clannok.
I only AV.bring weapon this REL curved
‘I only brought this curved weapon.’

There are additional ordering possibilities with multiple adjectives and a de-
monstrative: both adjectives can occur as bare attributives preceding the demon-
strative (170a), one bare attributive adjective and an adjective in a relative
clause can precede the demonstrative (170b), and the adjectives can be con-
joined and precede the demonstrative (optionally in a relative clause (170c).

(170) a. Koceng celleng koros juwa lo' tedhung.
cat black thin that not sleep
‘The skinny black cat is not asleep.’

b. Koceng celleng se koros juwa lo' tedhung.
cat black REL thin that not sleep
‘The skinny black cat is not asleep.’

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