A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

218 Chapter 7 Nominals and noun phrases

c. Koceng (se) celleng ban koros juwa lo' tedhung.
cat REL black and thin that not sleep
‘The skinny black cat is not asleep.’

When one attributive adjective precedes the demonstrative and one in a relative
follows (171a), and when the adjectives can occur as the conjoined predicate of
a relative clause following the demonstrative (171b), the noun phrase is inter-
preted as denoting more than one cat.

(171) a. Koceng celleng juwa se koros lo' tedhung.
cat black that REL thin not sleep
‘The black cat that is skinny a not asleep.’ (The others are awake)

b. Koceng juwa se celleng ban koros lo' tedhung.
cat that REL black and thin not sleep
‘The cats that are the skinny one and the thin one are not asleep.’

The possible orderings of the demonstrative and the relative clause con-
taining adjectival predicates is expected as other types of relative clauses can
either precede (172a) or follow (172b) the demonstrative when there is also an
adjectival modifier.

(172) a. Ita ban Ina maca buku tebbel rowa se e-belli Syamsiah.
Ita and Ina AV.read book thick that REL OV-buy Syamsiah
‘Ita and Ina read those thick books that Syamsiah bought.’

b. Ita ban Ina maca buku tebbel se e-belli Syamsiah rowa.
Ita and Ina AV.read book thick REL OV-buy Syamsiah that
‘Ita and Ina read those thick books that Syamsiah bought.’

PP modifiers can either precede or follow the demonstrative, optionally
occurring in a relative clause in either position.

(173) a. Kana' (se) dhari Sumennep rowa kennal ka Tina.
child REL from Sumenep that know to Tina
‘That kid from Sumenep knows Tina.’

b. Kana' rowa (se) dhari Sumennep, kennal ka Tina.
child that REL from Sumenep know to Tina
‘That kid from Sumenep knows Tina.’

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