A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

220 Chapter 7 Nominals and noun phrases

orderings follow. In an NP containing PP and relative clause modifiers with a
demonstrative, the relative clause usually follows the PP and precedes the de-
monstrative (176a). For some speakers the relative clause can follow the de-
monstrative (176b), but other speakers reject this structure, and for those who
accept it, (176a) is preferred.

(176) a. Ita ban Ina maca buku bab kopi se e-belli Syamsiah rowa.
Ita and Ina AV.read book about coffee REL OV-buy Syamsiah that
‘Ita and Ina read that book about coffee that Syamsiah bought.’

b. %Ita ban Ina maca buku bab kopi rowa se e-belli Syamsiah.
Ita and Ina AV.read book about coffee that REL OV-buy Syamsiah
‘Ita and Ina read that book about coffee that Syamsiah bought.’

When the NP includes adjectival and PP modifiers, a possessor, and a demon-
strative, there are a host of possibilities. The examples in (177) illustrate the
structure when the option to have the adjective precede the possessor is taken.
In this case the order N-Adj-Poss-PP-Dem is possible (177a), as is the order N-
Adj-Poss-Dem-PP (177b).^7

(177) a. Sengko' a-temmo kanca tenggi-na Tina dhari Sumennep rowa.
I AV-meet friend tall-DEF Tina from Sumenep that
‘I met that tall friend of Tina’s from Sumenep.’

b. Sengko' a-temmo kanca tenggi-na Tina rowa dhari Sumennep.
I AV-meet friend tall-DEF Tina that from Sumenep
‘I met that tall friend of Tina’s from Sumenep.’

With possessor NPs, numerals behave as expected, occurring in either
NP-initial position (178a) or NP-final position (178b). As before, in NP-final
position the numeral occurs in reduplicated form. The structure with the NP-
initial numeral (178a) is preferred by speakers of the Western dialect; the NP-
final reduplicated structure (178b) is commonly viewed as a structure used in
the Eastern dialect.

(178) a. Pettong mored-da Pa' Hadi bakal lulus tes.
seven student-DEF Mr Hadi will pass test
‘Pak Hadi’s seven students will pass the test.’

(^7) Some speakers reject these structures as having too much information packed into a
single noun phrase and would use multiple sentences or phrases to convey the

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