A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Constituent order in NPs 223

Finally, although some of the data here have come from recorded speech,
examples of NPs with more than one or two modifiers are relatively rare. How-
ever, the sentence in (185) includes a complex NP that includes two relative

(185) Mara, kana', sa-bagi-yan entar dha' penggir tase' [prao-na taretan
HORT kid one-part-NOM go to edge sea ship-DEF brother
se dhari Makassar se rosak reya] pa-teppa'!
REL from Makassar REL ruined this CS-right
‘Come on, guys, some of you go to the coast to fix the damaged boat of
our friend from Makassar!’

The NP, in square brackets, has the informal structure N - [Poss - Rel Cl 1 ] - Rel
Cl 2 - Dem. The first relative clause (Rel Cl 1 ), se dhari Makassar ‘who is from
Makassar’, modifies the possessor tretan ‘brother/friend’. The second relative
clause (Rel Cl 2 ), se rosak ‘which is damaged’, modifies the head N of the NP,
prao ‘ship’. Again, although such complex NPs are rare in spoken Madurese, it
is clear from this example drawn from this oral narrative that they do occur in
spontaneous speech.

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