226 Chapter 8 Prepositions and PPs
(5) Neng Bangkalan neng Madura bara' badha Makam Aer Mata.
at Bangkalan at Madura west exist Makam Aer Mata
‘In Bangkalan, in western Madura, is Aer Mata Cemetery.’
(6) Kenneng-nga reh coma neng settong kenneng-ngan.
place-DEF EMPH only at one place-NOM
‘There is only one place you can find it.’
lit. ‘Its location is only at one place.’
As these data show, e and neng can be used in the same grammatical positions.
In (1) and (4), both take the object pasar ‘market’ and denote the location ‘at
the market’. As described in Chapter 6 section 2, PPs headed by e or neng can
act as the predicate of a clause. In (3), e heads the PP e kantor pos ‘at the post
office’, denoting mother’s location, and in (6) the PP predicate neng settong
kennengan ‘at one place’ is headed by neng. E and neng can head PP modifiers
of nouns, as described in Chapter 7 section 10, and illustrated in (7) and (8).
(7) Sorat e meja rowa e-toles Siti.
letter at table that OV-write Siti
‘Siti wrote the letter on the table.’
(8) Pate neng Sumennep teppa' jareya a-nyama Radin Puspa Negoro.
minister at Sumenep right this AV-name Radin Puspa Negoro
‘The chief minister of Sumenep at this time was named Radin Puspa
E and neng can take abstract nouns as complements and are frequently used in
temporal expressions, as in the bolded PPs in (9-11).
(9) Dhaggi' careta-na Adi Poday moso Adi Roso jareya neng dungeng
next story-DEF Adi Poday with Adi Roso this at story
‘Later (I will tell) the story of Adi Poday and Adi Roso in a different
(10) Taon se tapongkor reya mo'dul juma neng sa.kajja'.
year REL behind this arise only at short.time
‘Last year it showed up only for a short time.’