Basic prepositions 227
(11) E are-na sateya sengko' terro a-dungeng-a dungeng-nga Radin
at day-DEF now I want AV-story-IRR story-DEF Radin
‘Today I want to tell the story of Radin Sagara.’
1.2 dha' and ka ‘to’
The prepositions that denote goals are dha' and ka ‘to’. Like e and neng, they
can be used interchangeably, as is evident in (12-17).
(12) Na'-kana' a-berka' dha' toko.
RED-child AV-run to store
‘The children ran to the store.’
(13) Bapa' a-berri' pesse dha' na'-kana' rowa.
father AV-give money to RED-child that
‘Father gave money to that child.’
(14) Engko' a-dungeng-a dha' ba'eng.
I AV-story-IRR to you
‘I will tell you a story.’
(15) Na'-kana' a-berka' ka toko.
RED-child AV-run to store
‘The children ran to the store.’
(16) Atin ngerem paket ka ebu'-na.
Atin AV.send package to mother-DEF
‘Atin sent a package to her mother.’
(17) Wati a-caca ka Hadi.
Wati AV-talk to Hadi
‘Wati talked to Hadi.’
As (12) and (15) show, dha' and ka can head PPs denoting the goal of physical
movement, here running to the store, dha'/ka toko. In (13) and (16), dha' na-
kana' rowa ‘to that child’ and ka ebu'na ‘to her mother’ designate the goal ar-
gument of a three-place predicate of transference. And the sentences in (14) and
(17) illustrate their use to designate the goal argument of verbs of communica-
tion, dha' ba'eng ‘to you’ and ka Hadi ‘to Hadi’, respectively.
Additionally, as is illustrated in section 4.1, dha'/ka mark the object in a