A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

228 Chapter 8 Prepositions and PPs

nominalization. Sections 4.2-3 describe specific conditions for their use mark-
ing the direct object of a clause.

1.3 dhari ‘from’

Sources are principally indicated in PPs headed by dhari ‘from’, as in (18-21).

(18) Ale' ngerem paket dhari Lombok.
yngr.sibling AV.send package from Lombok
‘Little Brother sent a package from Lombok.’

(19) Aba'na toron dhari jaran.
he descend from horse
‘He got down from his horse.’

(20) Aba'na ngejjit dhari se tedhung.
she startled from REL sleep
‘She was startled from her sleep.’

(21) Ebu' gu'-onggu'an sakeng dhari senneng-nga.
mother RED-nod-IT on.account.of from happy-DEF
‘Mother kept nodding because of her happiness.’

In (18) and (19), the PP headed by dhari indicates a physical location, Lombok
and jaran ‘horse’, respectively. The sentences in (20) and (21) illustrate the fact
that dhari can take an abstract object, in (20) the headless relative clause se
tedhung ‘sleep’ (literally, ‘that which sleeps’) and in (21) a nominalized form
sennengnga ‘her happiness’.
Dhari can also designate source groups, as in (22) and (23) where it is
used in comparatives, and (24) where it is used in a partitive.

(22) Ke' Taji' e-berri' pesse lebbi dhari ca-kanca laen-na.
Ke' Taji' OV-give money more from RED-friend other-DEF
‘Ke' Taji' was given more money than his compatriots.’

(23) Ita jung senneng-an dhari Bambang.
Ita very happy-AN from Bambang
‘Ita is happier than Bambang.’

(24) Tello dhari mored-da Pa' Hasan ta' lulus tes.
three from student-DEF Mr Hasan not pass test
‘Three of Pak Hasan’s students did not pass the test.’

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