A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

236 Chapter 8 Prepositions and PPs

And third, while the agent of the ka-form can optionally be the object of the
preposition bi' ‘by’ (or one of the other forms discussed above), as in (59a), the
object of the preposition kaangguy cannot (59b).

(59) a. Buku jiya ka-angguy bi' Tina.
book this KA-use by Tina
‘This book can be read by Tina.’

b. Buku jiya e-melle-yagi Siti kaangguy (*bi') Tina.
book this OV-buy-AGI Siti for by Tina
‘Siti bought this book for Tina.’

Thus, while historically derived, kaangguy can be treated as a monomorphemic
lexical item (as it is in Safioedin’s (1977) dictionary and in grammatical exposi-
tions such as Moehilabib et al. 1979 and Soegianto et al. 1986).

2.2. ngangguy instrumental ‘with’

Ngangguy is the actor voice form of angguy ‘use’ and is much more transpa-
rently a derived form. In fact, there may be little reason to consider it a preposi-
tion inasmuch as the verbal form can quite naturally occur as a participial mod-
ifier like other verbs. However, it too has assumed a status almost independent
from verbal use. The sentences in (60) and (61) illustrate.

(60) Marlena a-massa' juko'-eng ngangguy bajan.
Marlena AV-cook fish-DEF AV.use frying pan
'Marlena cooked the fish using a frying pan.’

(61) Ali ma-becce' sapedha motor-ra ngangguy obing.
Ali AV.CS-good motor cycle-DEF AV.use screwdriver
‘Ali fixed the motorcycle with a screwdriver.’

The notion ‘without’ can be expressed with the negation of ngangguy, as in

(62) Sengko' dujan tang nase' guring lo' ngangguy odhang.
I like my rice fried not AV.use shrimp
‘I like my fried rice without shrimp.’

2.3. kalaban and ban ‘with’

Kalaban is the abilitive form of laban ‘fight face-to-face’. Its distribution is

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