238 Chapter 8 Prepositions and PPs
(68) Ba'ari' Ale' bine' a-rakora kalaban senneng.
yesterday yngr.sibling female AV-wash.dishes with happy
‘Yesterday Little Sister washed the dishes happily.’
(69) Toron-na Sarifah Ambami kalaban Pangeran Cakraningrat settong
down-DEF Sarifah Ambami with Pangeran Cakraningrat one
jareya terros bisa daddi rato neng Madura bara'.
this continue can become king at Madura west
‘The descendents of Sarifah Ambami and Pangeran Cakraningrat I could
continue to rule western Madura.’
Thus, PPs headed by kalaban minimally serve the same functions as bi' and
The notion ‘without’ can also be realized using kalaban when the com-
plement is a subjectless clause with the negated verb andhi' ‘have’.
(70) Ba'na reya e-lahir-ragi engko' kalaban ta' andhi' emma'.
you this OV-birth-AGI I with not have father
‘I gave birth to you without a father.’
As mentioned in section 1.4, kalaban has a truncated form ban, which has
much the same distribution as kalaban. Despite historically being a truncated
form, ban is often treated separately in grammars and dictionaries and is per-
ceived as a separate form that functions as a preposition and a conjunction. Like
kalaban, however, it is used with comitatives (71) and comparatives (72). Addi-
tionally, some speakers (mainly younger ones) accept its use with instruments
(73) and agents (74).
(71) Siti maca buku rowa ka-dhuwa’-an ban Marlena.
Siti AV.read book that KA-two-AN with Marlena
‘Siti read that book together with Marlena.’
(72) Gi' a-senneng-ngan Ita ban Bambang.
yet AV-happy-AN Ita with Bambang
‘Ita is happier than Bambang.’
(73) %Noni noles sorat ban bolpen.
Noni AV.write letter with pen
‘Noni wrote a letter with pen.’