A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Derived prepositions 239

(74) %Rina e-pareksa ban dhokter rowa.
Rina OV-examine by doctor that
‘Rina was examined by that doctor.’

Most frequently, though, ban is used as a coordinating conjunction (75-76).
While use of kalaban as a conjunction is relatively rare, ban is used to coordi-
nate both noun phrases and sentences (see Chapter 11 section 1).

(75) Ba'na kabbi ban sengko' kodu ng-ormat tamoy.
you all and I should AV-honor guest
‘You and I should respect our guests.’

(76) Sundari entar dha' Lombok ban Hanina entar dha' Bali.
Sundari go to Lombok and Hanina go to Bali
‘Sundari went to Lombok and Hanina went to Bali.’

2.4. katemgang and banding ‘than’

Katembang is the resultive/abilitive form of tembang ‘be equal, compare’. It is
used primarily to mark the object of comparison. The root tembang can also be
used in this environment. This is illustrated in (77) and (78).

(77) Dini a-senneng-ngan katembang Lukfi.
Dini AV-happy-AN than Lukfi
‘Dini is happier than Lukfi.’

(78) Ina lebbi penter tembang Siti.
Ina more smart than Siti
‘Ina is smarter than Siti.’

Banding is a verbal root, which like tembang means ‘compare, equal’. It is also
used in comparatives (79), and can optionally occur in the object voice form

(79) A-kowad-an Rudi banding Sale.
AV-strong-AN Rudi compare Sale
‘Rudi is stronger that Sale.’

(80) Bannya'-an buku-na Tono ebanding Bambang.
many-NOM book-DEF Tono OV.compare Bambang
‘Tono has more books than Bambang.’

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