A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Methodology and framework 9

lished dictionaries of Safioedin (1977), Kutwa et al. (2007), and Pawitra (2009),
thus providing important data in the present work and a valuable resource to
those fortunate enough to have access to it.

4.1 Framework

This volume is intended to be a largely descriptive work. While I have at-
tempted to provide a comprehensive description of the phonology and morphol-
ogy of Madurese, this is the first work I am aware of that focuses quite so heavi-
ly on syntax. No particular theoretical framework has been adopted here.
However, the basic perspective makes assumptions common to generative lin-
guistics. This is clearly reflected in the extensive coverage of certain topics as
well as aspects of the organization of this work. Nevertheless, the goal being a
general description, many opportunities for theoretical discussion or in-depth
consideration of certain domains of data have been passed over. That said, at
times it strikes me as appropriate to discuss the data in more theoretical terms
and to bring standard generative argumentation to bear on the data in order to
explicate a particular analysis. These aspects, too, will be obvious to the reader.

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