Complex locative expressions 243
(97) Hasan nyaba' motor-ra e seddi'-na roma-na.
Hasan AV.put car-DEF at side-DEF house-DEF
‘Hasan put the car next to the house.’
(98) Ale' a-sendem neng budhi-na ka'-bungka'an rowa.
yngr.sibling AV-hide at back-DEF RED-tree that
‘Little Brother is hiding behind that tree.’
There are exceptions to the general pattern, however. For example, dha-
lem ‘inside’ and lowar ‘outside’ rarely take the definite suffix, although it is
possible. Thus, there are well-formed sentences such as (99-102).
(99) Na'-ana'-na nyaba’ maen-an-na ka dhalem kothak.
RED-child-DEF AV.put play-NOM-DEF to inside box
‘The children put their toys in the box.’
(100) Rato pas a-tanya dha' keyae jiya e dhalem mempe-na...
king then AV-ask to kiai this at inside dream-DEF
‘The king then asked the kiai in his dream...’
(101) Se bi' kai-na tao e-buwang dha' lowar Mataram iya
REL with father-DEF know OV-discard to outside Mataram yes
areya dha' Selon.
this to Ceylon
‘He was banished from Mataram to Ceylon by his father.’
(102) Ng-edhing e lowar jareya cora' badha oreng a-tokar.
AV-hear at outside this like exist person AV-fight
‘Outside (of this) they heard the sound of people arguing.’
In the case of dhalem, the definite suffix is always an option. While with lowar,
the definite suffix is only possible when the preposition e or neng (or dha' or
ka) is used. In addition, the suffix is fully optional with the other locative nouns
as well. Thus alongside (93a,b), while not preferred, (103a,b) are possible as
(93) a. neng attas-sa meja ‘on the table’
b. e antara-na ku-buku juwa ‘between those books’
(103) a. neng attas meja ‘on the table’
b. e antara ku-buku juwa ‘between those books’