A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

252 Chapter 9 VPs and verbal marking

(5) Transitive verbs taking either ng- or a- actor voice morphology
root actor voice
kerem ‘send’ ngerem or akerem
buketagi ‘prove’ mokteagi or abukteagi
bukka' ‘open’ mokka' or abukka'
giba ‘bring’ ngeba or agiba

Stevens (1968:91-95) provides a detailed listing of verb roots and the actor
voice prefix associated with each.
Actor voice marking occurs obligatorily on verbs in syntactically transi-
tive clauses when the highest ranking argument on a thematic hierarchy is se-
lected. Typically, this is the agent, as in (6) and (7).

(6) a. Red-mored-da maca buku.
RED-student-DEF AV.read book
‘The students read a book.’

b. *Red-moredda baca buku.

(7) a. Red-mored rowa a-berri' buku dha' guru-na.
RED-student that AV-give book to teacher-DEF
‘Those students gave a book to their teacher.’

b. *Red-mored rowa berri' buku dha' guruna.

Note that absence of actor voice morphology renders the clause unacceptable,
even in colloquial speech. Of course, not all verbs in syntactically transitive
clauses have an agent argument. For example, verbs such as katela' ‘see’ and
arte ‘understand’, the highest ranking argument is an experiencer, yet actor
voice morphology is still obligatory.

(8) Pangeran Mataram ngatela' Balanda, ngatela' tamoy-na pas
Pangeran Mataram AV.see Dutch AV.see guest-DEF then
‘Pangeran Mataram saw the Dutchman, saw his guest, and confronted

(9) Red-mored ta' ng-arte jawap-an-na guru.
RED-student not AV-understand answer-NOM-DEF teacher
‘The students do not understand the teacher’s answer.’

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