294 Chapter 10 Modifications to argument structure
grammatical with ka-, as in (49).
(49) Siti e-ka-parcaja-ne Hasan.
Siti OV-KA-believe-LOC Hasan
‘Hasan trusts Siti.’
(Speakers prefer to add the n extension before the locative suffix with this
verb.) Additionally, however, the versions in (50) and (51) are considered ac-
ceptable by many speakers.
(50) Siti e-ka-parcaja Hasan.
Siti OV-KA-believe Hasan
‘Hasan trusts Siti.’
(51) Siti e-parcaja-ne Hasan.
Siti OV-believe-LOC Hasan
‘Hasan trusts Siti.’
In (50) the locative suffix is omitted and in (51) the ka- prefix is omitted. This
judgment is by no means universal, and speakers who accept (50) and (51) rou-
tinely reject this with some other verbs. Thus, (52) and (53) are widely consi-
dered to be unacceptable despite the parallel with the structures in (50) and (51).
Again, however, there is quite a bit of speaker variation and the * annotations
should be viewed with caution.
(52) a. *Taretan-na e-ka-baji' Amie.
brother-DEF OV-KA-hate Amie
(Amie hates his brother.)
b. *Taretan-na e-baji'-i Amie.
brother-DEF OV-hate-LOC Amie
(Amie hates his brother.)
(53) a. *Nyama-na guru-na e-ka-enga' Soleha.
name-DEF teacher-DEF OV-KA-remember Soleha
(Soleha remembered her teacher’s name.)
b. *Nyama-na guru-na e-enga'-e Soleha.
name-DEF teacher-DEF OV-remember-LOC Soleha
(Soleha remembered her teacher’s name.)