A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

The suffix -agi 307

2.3 -agi specifying an endpoint

The suffix -agi also serves to specify the endpoint of a theme/object moved
from one location to another. This is illustrated in the pairs in (99) and (100).

(99) a. Nembuk bato-na.
AV-pile stone-DEF
‘They piled up the stones.’

b. Nembug-gagi bato-na neng Masjid Agung Bangkalan.
AV -pile-AGI stone-DEF at mosque Agung Bangkalan
‘They piled up the stones at the Agung Bangkalan Mosque.’

(100) a. Empu Bageno nyebar agama anyar.
Empu Bageno AV.spread religion new
‘Empu Bageno spread the new religion.’

b. Empu Bageno nyebar-ragi agama anyar dha' ra'yat neng
Empu Bageno AV.spread-AGI religion new to people at
Madura bara'.
Madura west
‘Empu Bageno spread the new religion to the people in western

In (99a) no particular location is specified as the place where the stones were
piled up. In (99b), however, Masjid Agung Bangkalan is identified as the loca-
tion at which the stones, which have been brought from elsewhere, have been
piled up—the endpoint of the path traversed by the stones. Likewise, the sen-
tence in (100a) does not specify where Empu Bageno spread the new religion,
only that he did so. In (100b), ra'yat neng Madura bara' ‘the people of western
Madura’ are specified as the goal of the action, the endpoint of the spreading of
the religion, albeit in a somewhat abstract sense. The starting point of the path
of an object or objects can also be specified in this way.

(101) a. Ngala' tana-na otama-na.
AV.take earth-DEF prime-DEF
‘They took the best soil.’

b. Ngala'-agi tana-na otama-na dhari Rosbaja.
AV.take-AGI earth-DEF prime-DEF from Arosbaya
‘They took the best soil from Arosbaya.’

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