A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

388 Chapter 11 Complex sentences

(216) E-senta', “Bang Pote! Bang Pote! Engko' lapar!”
OV-yell Garlic Garlic I hungry
‘She yelled, “Garlic! Garlic! I’m hungry!”’

(217) Sabban a-temmo bi' oreng, e-tanya'-agi, “Ba'eng nga-tela'-e
every AV-meet with person OV-ask-AGI you AV.see-DUR
tang ana' ya?”
my child yes
‘Each time she met someone, she asked, “Have you seen my children?”’

Among the verbs used to mark quoted speech are:

(218) bala ‘say’ olok ‘call’
cerreng ‘scream’ pekker ‘think’
jawab ‘answer’ sambit ‘answer’
jerrit ‘yell’ senta' ‘yell’
koto' ‘whisper’ serro ‘call’
nyanyi ‘sing’ tanya ‘ask’
oca' ‘say’ thowat ‘scream’

The texts in Chapter 16 provide many additional examples of direct address in
connected discourse.

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