394 Chapter 12 Adverbs and adverbial clauses
tantona ‘certainty’, and others. Examples are given in (19) and (20).
(19) Hadi ban Hamina saongguna entar ka Sumatera.
Hadi and Hamina apparently go to Sumatra
‘Hadi and Hamina apparently went to Sumatra.’
(20) Siti pola lo' mare sasssa'-an-na.
Siti probably not finish wash-NOM-DEF
‘Siti probably didn’t finish the laundry.’
Again, epistemic expressions generally occur in preverbal position. However,
they can also occur naturally in clause-initial position.
(21) Saongguna Hadi ban Hamina entar ka Sumatera.
apparently Hadi and Hamina go to Sumatra
‘Apparently Hadi and Hamina went to Sumatra.’
(22) Pola Siti lo' mare sasssa'-an-na.
probably Siti not finish wash-NOM-DEF
‘Probably Siti didn’t finish the laundry.’
While these expressions cannot occur internal to the VP, they are marginally
acceptable in clause-final position, usually preceded by rising intonation and a
significant pause.
1.4 Manner adverbials
Manner adverbials are expressions that elaborate on the way that some action is
carried out, generally oriented toward an agent or cause (although this is by no
means a requirement). Manner expressions are generally adjectives and forms
derived from adjectives. These include: ceppet ‘fast’, duli/duliyan ‘hurriedly’,
laonan/on-laon ‘slowly’, santa' ‘fast’, te-ngate ‘carefully’, and others, as exem-
plified in (23) and (24).
(23) Hasan markir motor-ra neng ereng-nga roma-na te-ngate.
Hasan AV.park car-DEF at side-DEF house-DEF RED-careful
‘Hasan parked the car by the side of the house carefully.’
(24) Ali maso' ka kamar on-laon.
Ali enter to room RED-slow
‘Ali entered the room slowly.’