A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

396 Chapter 12 Adverbs and adverbial clauses

Note that kalaban takes what appears to be an adjectival complement. In (29)
the complement of kalaban is senneng ‘happy’ and in (30) ceppet ‘fast’. This
parallels the construction in English that uses the nominalization of an adjective
as a complement of with (e.g. with happiness). If the madurese forms are zero-
derived nominals, they are exceptional from the standpoint that most nominali-
zations of verbs minimally occur with the definite suffix -na. See Chapter 4
section 1.2.1 for discussion of this type of nomnialization. This is a very pro-
ductive process.
Additionally, the intensive adjectival construction (Chapter 3 section
1.3.2 and Chapter 4 section 1.2.1) can serve the manner function, as in (31) and

(31) Rohina a-rakora ce' senneng-nga.
Rohina AV-wash.dish very happy-DEF
‘Rohina washed the dishes very happily.’

(32) Marlena noles sorat dha' Solihin ce' cepped-da.
Marlena AV.write letter to Solihin very fast-DEF
‘Marlena wrote a letter to Solihin very quickly.’

1.5 Degree modifiers

A number of degree words modify verbs, adjectives, and adverbial expressions,
including: banget ‘very’, ce' ‘very’, coma ‘only’ (and its alternate juma), gallu
‘too’, gi' ‘yet’, gun ‘only’, keng ‘only’, maggis ‘almost’, maha ‘highly (very)’,
neng ‘only’, para' ‘almost’, parana ‘very’. The use of ce' in the intensive con-
struction has been well-documented (Chapter 3 and in (31) and (32) above),
thus others are illustrated here.

(33) Seddheng bi-abit para' e-kenneng-a e-buwang biggi'-na temon
when RED-long almost OV-get-IRR OV-discard seed-DEF cucumber
bi' Temon Emmas.
by Temon Emmas
‘When she was almost caught, Temon Emmas threw the cucumber seeds.’

(34) Mon lamba' coma a-nyama Napo, sateya bagi dhuwa', Napo Daja,
if before only AV-name Napo now part two Napo north
Napo Lao'.
Napo south
‘In the past it only was named Napo, but now there are two parts, North
Napo and South Napo.’

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