A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

400 Chapter 12 Adverbs and adverbial clauses

3.2 Reason clauses

Adverbial clauses that establish a causative relation between two clauses are
often referred to as reason clauses. The elements that introduce the subordinate
clauses include: karana, keng, ja'reng, lantaran, marga/amarga, polana, sabab,
sakeng, serrena all of which can be translated as ‘because’ or ‘on account of’.
Of these, polana, sabab, and serrrena are the most frequently used. As with
purpose clauses, the adverbial clause can either precede or follow the clause it

(46) Tape lo' kenneng kakan polana bannya' bigi-na.
but not get eat because many seed-DEF
‘But it cannot be eaten because there are so many seeds.’

(47) E-nyama-e Pangeran Sidingkap karana seda neng Tanjung Kaab,
OV-name-E Pangeran Sidingkap because die at Tanjung Kaab
Afrika Selatan.
Africa south
‘He is named Pangeran Sidingkap because he died in Tanjung Kaab in
South Africa.’

(48) Reng-oreng se padha noro' neng prao jiya padha ka-lapar-en 
RED-person REL same AV.follow at boat this same AD-hungry 
sabab pan-brampan are e-capo' angen bara' neng tengnga tase'.
because RED-how.many day OV-get wind west at center sea
‘The sailors were all starving because for many days they were battered
by the wind in the middle of the sea.’

(49) Polana Pa' Surachman terro ngala'-a visa-na, entar ka Sorbaja.
because Mr Surachman want AV.take-IRR visa-DEF go to Surabaya
‘Because Pak Surachman needed to pick up his visa, he went to Surabaya.’

(50) Serrena ce' manes-sa, bau-na ro'om ya, arga-na larang.
because very sweet-DEF smell-DEF fragrant yes price-DEF expensive
‘Because they are very sweet and smell good, the price is also high.’

(51) Ja'reng lo' tao a-sapo-wan, adha' lo' berse.
because not know AV-sweep-IT not.exist not clean
‘Because she had never swept, it did not get clean.’

In (46-48) the adverbial clause follows the clause it modifies and in (49-51) it
precedes the main clause.

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