A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Adverbial clauses 405

(70) Make pang-lako-na mare lapor badha pokpara, kapala-na paggun
though NOM-work-DEF finish report exist problem head-DEF still
ta' ngareken.
not AV.fix
‘Even after the worker reported the problem, his boss didn’t fix it.’

(71) Ya, tape maske santre-na bannya',Ke Moko jiya paggun lo' andhi'.
yes but though student-DEF many Ke Moko this still not have
‘Even though he had many students, Ke Moko was not rich.’

(72) Tekka'a aba'eng sogi, lo' cerre'.
though she rich not miserly
‘Although she is rich, she’s not miserly.’

(73) Ali lulus ujiyan maske aba’eng lo’ pate bajeng ajara.
Ali pass exam though he not really diligent study-IRR
‘Ali passed the test in spite of the fact that he didn’t study very hard.’

(74) Tape ma' buta gi' terros nabang Temon Emmas gella' make
but father giant still continue AV.chase Temon Emmas before though
so-lesso polana abit lo' a-langngoy neng tase'.
RED-tired because long.time not AV-swim in sea
‘But the giant continued to chase Temon Emmas even though he was very
tired because he had not swum in the sea for a long time.’

As with other adverbial clauses, concessive clause can occur internal to the
main clause, most often following the subject, as in (75).

(75) Kana' jiya make penter lo' lancar maca.
child that though smart not fluent AV.read
‘This child, although smart, does not read well.’

3.5 Temporal clauses

There are many conjunctions and nominal elements that introduce adverbial
clauses that mark temporal relations between two clauses.
When two events or states of affairs occur at the same time, a variety of
conjunctions can be used, largely interchangeably.

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