A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Adverbial clauses 407

(83) Ker-pekker-an Bang Pote sambi a-jalan sambi a-sassa sambi nanges
RED-think-IT Garlic while AV-walk while AV-wash while AV.cry
e penggir-ra songay.
at edge-DEF river
‘Garlic was thinking while she walked, and then she cried while washing
clothes clothes at the river side.’

In (83), three clauses include sambi. In some instances, sambi can occur inter-
nally to the adverbial clause, although this is an unusual structure.

(84) “Dha'ramma cara-na nyabrang songay?”mekker, soko-na sambi
how way-DEF AV.cross river AV.think leg-DEF while
en-maen-an dhalem songay.
RED-play-IT inside river
‘“How to cross the river?” she thought, while she dangled her legs in the

In (84), the temporal element sambi follows the subject sokona ‘her legs’ in the
adverbial clause sokona sambi en-maenan dhalem songay ‘while her legs
played in the river’.

e. Adverbial clauses indicating contemporaneous states of affairs can be intro-
duced by the nominal bakto ‘time’, in its plain form (85), definite form baktona
(86), or derived form sabaktona ‘when’ (87). At times, bakto occurs as the ob-
ject of the preposition e ‘at’, as in (88).

(85) Na'-kana' a-dhante' neng motor, bakto bapa'-eng a-caca bi' polisi.
RED-child AV-wait at car time father-DEF AV-talk with police
‘The children waited in the car, while their father talked to the police-

(86) Ma' Buta ka-lowar bakto-na Bang Mera entar dha' roma-na
father giant to-outside time-DEF Bang Mera go to house-DEF^
Mbu' Buta.
mother giant
‘Father giant was out when Bang Mera went to mother giant’s house.’

(87) Sabaktona neng Mekkasan se daddi rato Panembahan Ronggo
all-time-DEF at Pameksasan REL become king Panembahan Ronggo
Suko Wati, badha pan-barampan ka-daddi-yan se ane.
Suko Wati exist RED-how many NOM-become REL strange
‘When Panembahan Ronggo Suko Wati became king of Mekkasan,
several strange things happened.’

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