A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

Adverbial clauses 409

(94) Adi Poday sabellunna mangkat dha' Madura e-pa-bine'e pottre-na
Adi Poday before leave to Madura OV-CS-wife-LOC princess-DEF
rato se a-nyama Din Aju Talingsing.
king REL AV-name Din Aju Talingsing
‘Adi Poday, before leaving for Madura, married the princess Din Ajun

As (94) shows, adverbial clauses with sabellunna can occur following the sub-
ject of the main clause.
When the state of affairs of the adverbial clause precedes that of the main
clause, a number of subordinators can be used. One of these is sa'ellana ‘after’,
and its variant sa'lana and saellana. This form consists of the prefix sa- fol-
lowed by the perfective adverb ella ‘already’ and the definite suffix -na. Exam-
ples are given in (95) and (96).

(95) Sa'ellana dhapa' dha' Gunong Pajuddan, Pottre Koneng lako-na
after arrive to mountain Pajuddan Pottre Koneng work-DEF
a-birit terros, lo' a-dha'ar, lo' ng-enom.
AV-pray continue not AV-eat not AV-drink
‘After arriving at Mount Pajuddan, Pottre Koneng prayed continuously,
not eating and not drinking.’

(96) Sa'lana e-pokol Hasan, Ali buru.
after OV-hit Hasan Ali run
‘After being hit by Hasan, Ali ran away.’

An adverbial clause of a prior event or state of affairs can be introduced
by samarena, which many times occurs simply as marena. This form is made
up of the prefix sa-, the verb mare ‘finish’, and the definite suffix.

(97) Samarena Siti a-sapo-we kamar, aba'na entar ka pasar.
after Siti AV-sweep-DUR room she go to market
‘After Siti swept the room, she went to the market.’

(98) Marena ja' reng Cena saJaba padha a-polong neng Mataram
after COMP person China one.Java same AV-gather at Mataram
neng Karta Sura, padha nyerbu kraton.
at Karta Sura same AV.invade palace
‘After all of the Chinese on Java gathered in Mataram at Karta Sura, they
all stormed the palace.’

Frequently, mare ‘finish’ is used to signal anteriority, as in (99) and (100).

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