Adjuncts in complement clauses 413
(112) Pamor bajeng kake nyare elmo.
shine diligent you knowledge
‘Study hard so that you can increase your knowledge. ‘
(113) Sampeyan, Rato, nan dalem rato, lo' osa ng-adhep pole dha' taretan-na
you king I king not need AV-face again to sibling-DEF
sampeyan, padha mangken darajad-da.
you same now rank-DEF
‘You, my king, do not need to visit your brother again, because you are
now equals.’
In (112), the clause kake nyare elmo ‘you seek knowledge’ is a reason clause
juxtaposed to pamor bajeng ‘study diligently’. In (113), the clause padha
mangken drajadda ‘you are now equals’ is paratactically linked to the preceding
clause indicating a causal relationship.
3.7 Correlative structures
At times, both clauses in an adverbial structure will take subordinating or
coordinating conjunctions. For instance, when maske or magi ‘even though’
introduces an adverbial clause, the clause it is paired with is marked with the
coordinating conjunction tape ‘but’, which is best translated as ‘even
though...nevertheless’. This is illustrated in (114) and (115).
(114) Maske bannya' mored e kellas, tape guru-na ta' e dhissa.
though many student at class but teacher-DEF not at there
‘Even though there were many students in class, nevertheless their teacher
was not there.’
(115) Magi Bu Siti ce' sogi-na, tape ta' andhi' bannya' kanca.
though Mrs Siti very rich-DEF but not have many friends
‘Even though Bu Siti is very rich, nevertheless she does not have many
4. Adjuncts in complement clauses
While adverbials have relative freedom of position in clauses, adjuncts in com-
plement clauses are clause bound. They cannot occur fronted in the matrix
clause in a topicalization, focalization, or dislocation structure.