A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

422 Chapter 13 Anaphora

(25) Foto-na aba'eng dibi' e-jelling bi' Marlena.
photo-DEF OV-see by Marlena
‘Marlena looked at a photo of herself.’
lit. ‘A photo of herself was looked at by Marlena.’

Aba'na dibi' can take its reference from an argument of a higher clause.

(26) Tina a-janji ka bapa'-eng ja' aba'eng dibi' entar-a dha' pasar.
Tina AV-promise to father-DEF COMP go-IRR to market
‘Tina promised her father that she would go to the market.’

(27) Sengko' a-careta ka Deni ja' aba'eng dibi' kodu nyongngo' ebu'-na.
I AV-story to Deni COMP should AV.see mother-DEF
‘I told Deni that he should visit his mother.’

In (26), aba'eng dibi' is the subject of the embedded clause and has as its ante-
cedent the matrix subject Tina. In (27), aba'na dibi' is again the subject of the
embedded clause and takes the matrix prepositional object Deni as its antece-
Additionally, aba'na dibi' can corefer with an argument in a subordinate
adverbial clause (28), an argument in a relative clause (29), and, when subject,
the possessor of a preposed object (30).^3

(28) Bakto-na Ali nyetir motor-ra, aba'na dibi' senneng.
time-DEF Ali AV.steer car-DEF happy
‘When Ali drives his car, he is happy.’

(29) Koran se nyareta'-agi Hasan nyenneng-ngagi aba'na dibi'.
newspaper REL AV.story-AGI Hasan AV.happy-AGI
‘The newspaper that told about Hasan pleases him.’

(30) Gambar-ra Fatima, aba'na dibi' nengale.
draw-DEF Fatima AV.look
‘Fatima looked at the picture of herself.’
lit. ‘The picture of Fatima, herself looked at.’

(^3) The data in (28-29) demonstrate that there is no reason to posit a condition on antece-
dent-reflexive binding along the lines of Principle A of government-binding theory. In
these examples the antecedent and reflexive are not dependents of the same clause and
the antecedent does not c-command the reflexive--it occurs in the adverbial clause in
(28) and in the relative clause in (29). Additionally, as (31-32) show, the antecedent
need not even occur in the same sentence.

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