Ellipsis and gapping 437
(94) Marlena ngerem sorat dha' Ita dhari Australia, Siti dhari Kanada.
Marlena AV.send letter to Ita from Australia Siti from Canada
‘Marlena sent a letter to Ita from Australia, and Siti did (sent a letter to
Ita) from Canada.’
(95) Marlena ngerem sorat dha' Ita dhari Australia, Siti kaos dhari Kanada.
Marlena AV.send letter to Ita from Australia Siti t-shirt from Canada
‘Marlena sent a letter to Ita from Australia, and Siti did (send) a t-shirt (to
her) from Canada.’
(96) Marlena ngerem sorat dha' Ita dhari Australia, Siti kaos.
Marlena AV.send letter to Ita from Australia Siti t-shirt
‘Marlena sent a letter to Ita from Australia, and Siti did (send) a t-shirt (to
her from Australia).’
In (94) the verb, direct object, and indirect object, ngerem sorat dha' Ita ‘send a
letter to Ita’, have been omitted from the second conjunct. In (95), the omitted
material includes the verb ngerem and the indirect object PP dha' Ita, nonconti-
guous dependents of the VP. And in (96), again the verb ngerem and the indi-
rect object dha' Ita as well as the locative PP have been omitted. In all cases, the
second conjuncts in these examples are interpreted as including the material
from the VP in the first clause that is missing. However, preposition stranding is
ill-formed in Madurese. Thus it is impossible to omit the object of the preposi-
tion dhari ‘from’ in the second conjunct in (97) under coreference with the ob-
ject of the preposition in the first conjunct, Australia.
(97) *Marlena ngerem sorat dha' Ita dhari Australia, Siti kaos dhari.
Marlena AV.send letter to Ita from Australia Siti t-shirt from
(Marlena sent a letter to Ita from Australia, and Siti did (send) a t-shirt
(to her) from (Canada).)