A Grammar of Madurese

(singke) #1

440 Chapter 14 Questions

(4) Apa Wati bari' ma-becce' sapedha-na?
Q Wati yesterday AV.CS- good bicycle-DEF
‘Did Wati fix the bicycle yesterday?’

(5) Apa Bambang biyasana ngenom kopi, mon laggu?
Q Bambang usually AV.drink coffee if morning
‘Does Bambang usually drink coffee in the morning?’

Questions with apa are generally accompanied by an intonation contour with a
rise and fall on the sentence-final word.
Apa may occur in other than sentence-initial position. For instance, it may
occur following the subject of the sentence, as in (6) and (7). There is generally
a brief pause following the adverbial expression, indicated here with a comma.

(6) Wati / apa bari', ma-becce' sapedha-na?
Wati Q yesterday AV.CS- good bicycle-DEF
‘Did Wati fix the bicycle yesterday?’

(7) Bambang / apa biyasana, ngenom kopi mon laggu?
Bambang Q usually AV.drink coffee if morning
‘Does Bambang usually drink coffee in the morning?’

When apa follows the subject, there is a rising, anticipatory intonation on the
subject followed by a pause (represented here by ‘/’). The remainder of the
question has typical yes/no intonation such as is found with (3-5).
Additionally, while apa cannot follow auxiliaries such as bisa ‘can’, kodu
‘should’ and others, it may follow certain sentential adverbs that follow the
subject, including bari' ‘yesterday’ (8) and biyasana ‘usually’ (9).

(8) Wati / bari', apa ma-becce' sapedha-na?
Wati yesterday Q AV.CS- good bicycle-DEF
‘Did Wati fix the bicycle yesterday?’

(9) Bambang / biyasana, apa ngenom kopi mon laggu?
Bambang usually Q AV.drink coffee if morning
‘Does Bambang usually drink coffee in the morning?’

Certain adverbs resist this placement of apa, but these are adverbs such as seg-
gut ‘often’, rangrang ‘seldom’, and others that generally do not allow a nonver-
bal element to follow. (See Chapter 12 section 1.2).
Unlike declarative sentences, it is possible for the auxiliary and subject to
invert in yes/no questions, as in (10b) and (11b).

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